The Austin Tech Hall of Fame and First Time Founder event was kicked off in June 2024. This is a proect of the Austin Technology Council

The People Matter: Reflections from the Austin Tech Hall of Fame

Thom Singer
2 min readJun 6, 2024

At the recent Austin Tech Hall of Fame and First Time Founder event, a recurring theme emerged from every inductee’s speech: success in Austin’s tech scene has always been about the people. The speakers, all influential figures in our community, emphasized how special, civic-minded leaders have stepped up time and again to shape Austin for the greater good.

The secret to Austin’s success over the past five decades is not found in job titles, funds raised, or any other superficial metrics. Instead, it lies in the people — those who have come together, connected, and collaborated to build a thriving tech community. It’s the power of connected souls that truly makes the difference.

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to focus on resumes, accolades, and financial achievements. But the heart of innovation and growth is rooted in genuine human connections. We must look beyond titles and numbers, seeing the potential in each person we meet. This requires giving people the benefit of the doubt and believing in their potential. It means fostering a culture where everyone feels valued and heard.

Leaving our egos and agendas at the door — at least some of the time — is crucial. True collaboration happens when we prioritize the collective good over individual gain. It’s about creating an environment where ideas can flow freely, unencumbered by pride or competition. When we approach each other with humility and openness, we unlock the true potential of our community.

Looking to the future, we must strive to create opportunities for all. Inclusivity and diversity are not just buzzwords; they are the foundation of sustainable growth and innovation. When everyone has a seat at the table, we benefit from a broader range of perspectives and experiences. This diversity drives creativity and resilience, enabling us to tackle challenges more effectively.

In Austin, we have seen the remarkable results of focusing on people and their connections. By continuing to prioritize the power of connected souls, we can ensure that our community remains a beacon of innovation and opportunity. When we work together, leaving behind superficial metrics and embracing the potential within each person, everyone wins. This is the true secret to Austin’s enduring success.

As we celebrate the achievements of our Austin Tech Hall of Fame inductees, let us remember that it’s the people — their dedication, vision, and collaborative spirit — that have made Austin the incredible tech hub it is today. By keeping this focus, we can look forward to a future filled with even greater accomplishments and opportunities for all.

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Thom Singer is the CEO at the Austin Technology Council and a professional speaker who encourages conference audiences to engage with the human connection side of business.



Thom Singer

Thom Singer is the CEO of the Austin Technology Council, a successful keynote speaker, and the host of the “Making Waves at C-Level” Podcast.