Celebrate Your Community’s Past

Thom Singer
2 min readMay 3, 2024


This week, Kara D Kelley, the current president of the Austin Chapter of the National Speakers Association,led a powerful tribute to the chapter’s past leaders. Celebrating the journeys of those who have steered our community through the ups and downs of the past 13 years reminded us all of the impact that dedicated volunteers can have on the success of an organization.

In my role at the Austin Technology Council we embrace a similar ethos: “Celebrate the past, to be present in the now, and to look to the future.” This philosophy will be highlighted next month as we host the inaugural “Austin Tech Hall of Fame and First Time Founder Award,” honoring those who have sculpted the Austin tech scene.

Why is it vital for companies and organizations to celebrate their history? Acknowledging our past – both the triumphs and the trials – ensures we don’t repeat mistakes and helps us retain our foundational purposes. It reminds us that both smooth and rocky roads are part of the journey, and every phase is a thread in the tapestry of our collective history. The successes and failures are all important to be shared, as hiding parts of the story is not the whole story!

Does your company or organization take the time to celebrate its heritage? Do your colleagues know about the pioneers who laid the groundwork for what your organization has become?

Dive into your organization’s past and bring forward the stories that shaped it. It’s not just about honoring those who came before us; it’s about enriching our present and inspiring our future paths.

A heartfelt thank you to Kara for inspiring this reflection and for her commitment to honoring the NSA Austin’s community’s legacy.



Thom Singer

Thom Singer is the CEO of the Austin Technology Council, a successful keynote speaker, and the host of the “Making Waves at C-Level” Podcast. www.ThomSinger.com