Building Community: A Call to Action for The Good Of Everyone!

Thom Singer
2 min readApr 28, 2024


In a world where divisions seem to be deepening, the need for genuine community and social connection are more important than ever.

Are people shying away from social gatherings because of the divisions, or are the trends toward more isolation causing the division?

Reflecting on how things seemed 30 years ago, I recall tables at bars or dinner parties with lively, diverse conversations – environments where differing views were tolerated as part of how friends engaged. Today, it’s increasingly rare to find people who embrace friendships across ideological lines or even other differences. This shift concerns me deeply.

I know people who used to be community builders who have morphed into dividers in how they judge others. They only welcome people who share similarites with them in politics, income, and social status. Do we really want diversity in our society that does not include thoughs and opinions? (I realize there are extreme opinions and bad people – but those who are dividing are doing so over minor issues without any effort to understand why people feel and think the way they do).

If we are worried about our society (and we should aware and concerned on some level) we need to stop pointing fingers and dismissing our fellow humans…. There are some areas we can find common ground and hopefully have some understanding and respect.

Business groups and trade associations can stand as powerful catalysts in addressing these challenges. The meetings and conferences they host are not merely events, but vital vehicles for bridging divides and fostering a sense of belonging. By promoting inclusive environments, we can transform how we connect, collaborate, and create community.

With “Community, Collaboration, and Conversion” we can find solutions to all problems.


Thom Singer is a professional speaker and the CEO of the Austin Technology Council. He creates conversations at industry conferences that spur more connection.



Thom Singer

Thom Singer is the CEO of the Austin Technology Council, a successful keynote speaker, and the host of the “Making Waves at C-Level” Podcast.